Call information

The University of Luxembourg (UL) invites applications for YIA postdoctoral fellow positions as part of the Institute for Advanced Studies. Ten postdoctoral candidates will be recruited in 2 waves.

YIA Postdoctoral Fellow (Project ref: YIA-101081455)

  • 36-month postdoctoral research project
  • Full-time fellowship
  • Open for all fields of research at the UL
  • Customized training and career development programmes
  • Employee status of the UL
  • Enrolment within the IAS

Call agenda (call #2) – CLOSED

  • Pitch and scientific debate with the IAS Scientific Council: 24 and 25 September 2024 (indicative).
  • Notification to candidates: Mid-October 2024 (indicative).
  • Earliest start date: November 2024 (indicative) (fellowship duration: 36 months).
  • Latest start date: 01 February 2025. After this date, the funding will be cancelled.

Call #2 opening

1 February 2024

Submission deadline

30 April 2024

Pitch and scientific debate

24 and 25 September 2024

Call opening

1 September 2023

Submission deadline

30 November 2023

Selection meeting and pitch

March 2024

Eligible candidates:

  • are of any age and any nationality.
  • are early-career researchers having successfully defended their doctoral thesis at the call deadline (a signed certificate or a signed letter from the institution where the thesis has been defended is required).
  • must have defended their doctoral thesis before the call deadline but no more than 8 years before the call deadline.
  • cannot have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Luxembourg for more than 12 months in the 3 years before the deadline of the call.
  • must have identified 2 eligible UL professors in 2 different disciplines within the 3 Faculties or 3 Interdisciplinary Centres of the UL.
    • The supervisor must be either an assistant, associate or full professor having a valid employment contract for the full duration of the postdoctoral project (affiliated professors are excluded as main supervisor).
    • The co-supervisor can be a professor of UL or an affiliated professor of UL having a valid employment contract for the full duration of the postdoctoral project.
  • must be fluent in English.


Extensions of eligibility: Eligibility can be extended for reasons such as maternity, paternity, illness, national service, training, natural disasters, or asylum, and these should be described in the application. Extensions to the 8-year period will be calculated using ERC Starting Grant criteria. Check out the webpage to find the specific rules regarding eligibility criteria: Starting Grant | ERC (

Gender, Inclusion and Diversity

The University of Luxembourg embraces inclusion and diversity as key values. The University is fully committed to removing any discriminatory barrier related to gender, in recruitment and career progression of our staff.

Within this general principle, the University will ensure that the Young International Academics community of the IAS is gender balanced and receives training in relevant gender-awareness. In addition, the Scientific Council of the IAS includes the University gender delegate (Gender Equality Officer ( as an observer in the selection process.

Redress procedure

After receiving negative feedback on the eligibility of their application, and in case applicants may feel that their proposal is not treated justly, they may start a redress procedure, but solely for procedural matters, not to question the scientific content of the evaluation. Applicants will be informed of this possibility. If they wish to file a redress, they should write their complaint within 10 days of the decision to the support team by sending an official complaint to In parallel, the complaint file will be sent for external review to a qualified impartial institution.
The complaint can be dismissed or accepted. In the latter case, the YIA support team ensures that the cause of the complaint is fixed, and the evaluation process will be repeated for the complainant. The University is aware and accepts that this might result in adding a candidate on the funded list. An additional 10 days is reserved for this process.